Electrotechnical and electrical, control and instrumentation equipment systems

Regulatory compliant designs using only the best materials and solutions from renowed manufacturers. Investments secured with our component stocks.


We know your problems

We know the challenges you face because we have been in the electrotechnical and electrical, control and instrumentation systems industry for nearly four decades. We understand that the problem may be:

Lack of experience of the solution provider

In this industry, practical experience is no less important than specialised knowledge. Both are acquired over the years.

Implementation of investments in violation of regulations

Lack of knowledge of the relevant regulations or failure to comply with them will sooner or later shut down the investment.

Inadequate staff

Deficiencies in the competence of employees can cause serious complications and losses, and even make the project impossible to be implemented.

Delays in implementation

Delays in material deliveries and shortages of key components extend lead times. Without appropriate solutions, it is difficult to avoid such situations.

Contractor credibility

This kind of cooperation requires a proven and trustworthy business partner whose credibility is built by references and achieved results.

Unfinished investment

Many contractors have abandoned projects in the face of piling up difficulties, lack of qualified personnel or adequate materials.

Proster Solutions

In our 37 years in electrotechnology and electrical,
control and instrumentation equipment, we have completed more than 5,000 projects in Poland and around the world. Few of our competitors can boast such a wealth of experience, which is the foundation of our credibility.

We employ only engineers with professional education and relevant licenses, and the average professional experience of these employees at Proster is as much as 8 years. Our experts take care of all aspects of the implementation: From compliance with current regulations, to the selection of the best components from renowed manufacturers, to their professional installation.

We have signed contracts with suppliers, committing them to timely deliveries. We also have our own inventory at our disposal, which we secure ongoing investments with. And the 170-person team of specialists will complete even the most complex project.


What works do we render?

  • Low voltage installations
  • Medium voltage installations
  • Telecommunication installations
  • Development of electrical and lighting projects, Eplan
  • Prefabrication of control cabinets
  • Industrial automation
  • Measurement and control equipment installations
  • SCADA systems
  • Industrial and office lighting
  • Electrical measurements
  • Service of electrical installations and industrial automation

Advanced analysis

Many years of experience and acquired knowledge enable us to provide problem and process analysis services using advanced tools:

SWOT analysis

Ease & Effect matrix

Risk analysis, risk matrix

bow Tie Model


SIPOC diagram, RA(S)CI matrix

process mapping

Effective design

Our design office has experienced engineers, product managers and cost estimators. The use of professional fully parametric design tools (e-plan) noticeably speeds up the work.


qualified designers


faster designing thanks to e-plan

Electrotechnical and electrical, control and instrumentation systems for numerous industries

We operate in industry and facilities sector such as production halls, warehouses, sewage treatment plants or power plants. We implement investments in the industries:















Talk to an advisor

Send an inquiry or call +48 693 653 035. We will talk for a few minutes about the challenges you face.

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    Business partners
    about our colaboration


    The automated packing and palletising line allows our production lines to reach their full capacity. All activities, requiring physical labour are performed by appropriate robots, ensuring safety and ergonomics for production line operators.

    Jakub Raczyński,

    Deputy Director for Production at Efekt Plus


    We decided to cooperate with PROSTER because of its good customer feedback and recognition in the market. Based on our experience and cooperation in launching the pilot production line, we can confidently recommend PROSTER company as a reliable and trustworthy business partner. The team proved to be a group of specialists and creative enthusiasts. We highly appreciate the quality of the services they provide. The analysis of needs, the design stage and the actual realisation all went very smoothly. We can confirm that by choosing PROSTER, we can be sure of picking the best solution - the line has been adjusted to our individual needs. Constant availability, commitment to our company's projects and the high competence of the staff are the distinguishing features of PROSTER

    Szczepan Haber,

    BLACHOTRAPEZ Plant Manager


    The entrusted works were carried out fully professionally and in line with Ruukki's expectations. PROSTER is characterized by reliability and proper commitment to the work performed. The order was completed efficiently, accurately and on time. We recommend PROSTER as a competent and trustworthy contractor offering high quality services.

    Rafał Chwał,

    Process Engineer Ruukki Polska Sp. z. o.o.

    For you:
    our knowledge base

    We bring you the professional articles in which our experts share their knowledge and experience gained over the years of working in the profession.

    Find out more about your investment project and how we cope with challenges of the customers.

    We answer your questions

    Are you able to complete the investment within the timeframe we require?

    We employ more than 170 specialists, so that we can operate flexibly and adapt to the deadlines set by the customer. Additionally, we hold our own stock of materials that are needed for implementation. We also have a network of reliable manufacturers, material suppliers with whom we have been working for up to several decades. We therefore implement investment projects in a timely manner.

    Does your solution already include all costs?

    During the development of the solution, and the creation of the complete offer, the engineering team tries to estimate all possible costs. We point out possible risks and make the customer aware of the relevant impacts

    In the case of projects with multi-million budgets, is a significant down payment of, for example, 70% required?

    Thanks to the size of our company, we are able to carry out projects with far more limited down payments. Furthermore, we make use of a factoring option where necessary.

    What resources do you have available to carry out investment projects?

    We are able to carry out up to 15 investment projects at any one time. We have our own design department (E-PLAN, AUTOCAD), a prefabrication department for power and control cabinets, and an automation and robotics department that employs experienced automation specialists.

    What insurance do you have in case of damage to our property?

    We have a third-party liability policy with a value of more than PLN 13 million, which covers the work we carry out.

    What experience do you have with this type of work?

    We have been involved in the electrotechnical as well as electrical, control and instrumentation equipment systems since the very beginning of the company, i.e. since 1985, so our experience in this area is extensive. We have references from both small businesses as well as corporate customers using our services.

    How can I be sure that you will not abandon construction during the implementation of the project?

    We have implemented more than 5,200 projects and completed 100% of them, a fact that can provide confidence in this area.

    Are you able to complete the investment within the timeframe we require?

    We employ more than 170 specialists, so that we can operate flexibly and adapt to the deadlines set by the customer. Additionally, we hold our own stock of materials that are needed for implementation. We also have a network of reliable manufacturers, material suppliers with whom we have been working for up to several decades. We therefore implement investment projects in a timely manner.

    In the case of projects with multi-million budgets, is a significant down payment of, for example, 70% required?

    Thanks to the size of our company, we are able to carry out projects with far more limited down payments. Furthermore, we make use of a factoring option where necessary.

    What insurance do you have in case of damage to our property?

    We have a third-party liability policy with a value of more than PLN 13 million, which covers the work we carry out.

    How can I be sure that you will not abandon construction during the implementation of the project?

    We have implemented more than 5,200 projects and completed 100% of them, a fact that can provide confidence in this area.

    Does your solution already include all costs?

    During the development of the solution, and the creation of the complete offer, the engineering team tries to estimate all possible costs. We point out possible risks and make the customer aware of the relevant impacts

    What resources do you have available to carry out investment projects?

    We are able to carry out up to 15 investment projects at any one time. We have our own design department (E-PLAN, AUTOCAD), a prefabrication department for power and control cabinets, and an automation and robotics department that employs experienced automation specialists.

    What experience do you have with this type of work?

    We have been involved in the electrotechnical as well as electrical, control and instrumentation equipment systems since the very beginning of the company, i.e. since 1985, so our experience in this area is extensive. We have references from both small businesses as well as corporate customers using our services.

    Piotr Soja

    Inżynier Sprzedaży

    Your needs
    - our solutions

    Let’s meet for a free consultation via a convenient online format and discuss the challenges you face.

    Even if they are not yet fully specified.


    Czym jest elektryka przemysłowa?

    Elektryka przemysłowa to specjalistyczna dziedzina inżynierii elektrycznej, która zajmuje się projektowaniem, instalacją, obsługą i konserwacją systemów elektrycznych w środowiskach przemysłowych. Obejmuje ona kompleksowe rozwiązania energetyczne dla fabryk, zakładów produkcyjnych, cukrowni, oczyszczalni ścieków i innych obiektów przemysłowych, zapewniając bezpieczne i efektywne funkcjonowanie maszyn, urządzeń oraz procesów technologicznych.

    Zalety niezawodnej instalacji elektrotechnicznej

    Przemysłowa instalacja elektryczna, dzięki swojej niezawodności i nowoczesności zapewnia wiele korzyści dla obiektów przemysłowych.

    • Zwiększa bezpieczeństwo pracowników
    • Redukuje koszty energii
    • Zapewnia ciągłość pracy maszyn i urządzeń
    • Ogranicza straty finansowe spowodowane nieplanowanymi przestojami
    • Umożliwia integrację z nowoczesnymi technologiami
    • Zapewnia dłuższą żywotność urządzeń
    • Optymalizuje procesy produkcyjne, oferując stabilne parametry zasilania
    • Redukuje wpływ oddziaływania na środowisko
    • Zapewnia reputację firmy, jako niezawodnego dostawcy swoich produktów lub usług

    Istotne elementy przemysłowej instalacji elektrycznej

    Elektryka przemysłowa jest szeroką dziedziną, której maszyny, urządzenia i materiały muszą spełniać specyficzne wymagania w zakresie bezpieczeństwa, wydajności oraz niezawodności. Elementami instalacji elektrycznych są rozdzielnice elektryczne, transformatory, systemy zasilania awaryjnego, okablowanie, uziemienie i instalacje odgromowe, wyłączniki, bezpieczniki, czujniki, systemy SCADA, oświetlenie, instalacje teletechniczne (np. systemy monitoringu, domofony, alarmy, systemu przeciwpożarowe SSP) czy systemy automatyki przemysłowej (np. sterowniki PLC).
