Prefabrication of control cabinets
We prefabricate distribution cabinets (up to 5000A), technological, control, structural, local and control cassettes.
ConsultationWe understand your needs
We know what challenges you face because we have been operating in the electrical engineering and I&C industry for nearly four decades, implementing control and power supply cabinets. We understand that the challenge may be:

Long service life
The highest quality of implementation and materials extends the service life of the cabinets, minimizing the risk of failures.
Compliance with standards, directives
Standardization of design and implementation ensures that all manufactured cabinets are safe and highest quality. We issue CE declaration of compliance.
We have our own standards of cabinets prefabrication, thus we ensure flexibility in adapting to individual requirements and design specifications.
Safety of use
Power distribution and control of systems in entire production plants require the highest safety standards.
Energy saving
Prefabricated cabinets with the latest technological solutions of components. This ensures savings on energy use.
Possibility of expansion and modification
We design modularly, which allows for easy expansion and modification if necessary.

Prefabrication of control cabinets and electrical switchboards
We are flexible in adapting solutions to individual requirements and specifications. We will adapt the configuration, housing size, internal layout, components, and user interface to the specific needs of the project. We design modularly, which allows for easy expansion and modification if necessary.
We also have our own standards and automated process for the implementation of control cabinets and switchboards, which brings benefits:

Wide scope of implementation
We prefabricate distribution cabinets (up to 5000A), technological, control, structural, local, and control cassettes.
Our largest projects consisted of 120-140 cabinets.

We test according to standards
Prefabrication takes place in accordance with directives 2014/35/EU, 2014/30/EU, 2011/65/EU, as well as in accordance with the standards PN-EN IEC 61439-1:2021-10 and PN-EN IEC 61439-2:2021-10
We test cabinets and switchboards according to the PN-EN 61439-2 standard, which checks, among others, the degree of protection of the enclosures, protection against electric shock and integrity of the protective circuit, as well as internal circuits and electrical connections.
Implementation in accordance with standards and directives ensures that the prefabrication of control cabinets and electrical switchboards provides products aimed at long service life, the highest safety standards and minimizing the risk of downtime.
Ready-made cabinets receive a nameplate with the CE certification mark, standards and factory number.

Prefabrication from Proster
We have been dealing with industrial electrical installations and prefabrication of power supply and control cabinets for 38 years. We also implement automation and robotics projects and assembly of technological lines. Such extensive experience means that we know the needs of production plants inside out. Are you planning to have your cabinets prefabricated? Submit the contact form below and let’s talk about your needs and requirements!

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