Electrical installations of production and warehouse halls for Ecophon
The project
Ecophon is a leading supplier of acoustic systems for interior design. The company develops, produces and sells acoustic solutions, wall panels and ceiling systems that contribute to creating a friendly and healthy indoor climate, improving the quality of life and the well-being and efficiency of users. Ecophon is part of one of the hundred largest industrial groups in the world – the Saint-Gobain group. Our cooperation included the implementation of electrical installations for the expansion of the production and warehouse hall, reconstruction of the social and office building and the necessary elements of technical infrastructure.

Scope of project implementation
Electrical installations in industrial plants are required to be constructed with the highest safety standards and to maintain the longest possible service life, which will allow devices and machines to operate for many years without downtime. The scope of work we carried out with the above-mentioned assumptions included:
- Design and installation of a transformer station
- Installation of cable routes (at the end of the project, the company supplying the cable trays carried out an audit to prepare a report certifying that our work complies with the highest standards of route execution)
- Internal power lines
- Design and assembly of main and facility switchboards (prefabrication in our hall and assembly and connection at the customer’s)
- Comprehensive electrical installations: basic and emergency lighting, sockets, power supply for electrical, ventilation, air conditioning, heating and sanitary devices
- Equalization connection installations
- Earthing installation
- Surge protection
- Anti-shock protection
The scope of telecommunications installations included:
- Installation of the SSP fire alarm system
- Installation and commissioning of a CCTV system
- LAN structured cabling system
Additional solutions include lighting automation (DALI system). The hall lighting is controlled by motion sensors and light intensity sensors (adjustment to the amount of sunlight entering). Emergency lighting is equipped with a luminaire monitoring system – you can see their condition and battery status.
Project challenges
The Project Managers, Foremen and Proster Electricians who implemented the project deserve praise. The team was constantly solving challenges that appeared independently of us, which concerned the replacement of a medium-voltage switchgear, where there was a need to quickly respond to the acquisition of replacement materials. Another case was the assembly of a transformer station, where we efficiently connected all the elements thanks to the use of anti-vibration pads. The rest of the work was done without any major problems.

Short implementation time
The total implementation of the project took 8 months, but the actual work in our scope lasted 5 months, which is an impressive result for such a large project.
Najwyższe standardy wykonania tras
Na zakończenie projektu, firma dostarczająca koryta kablowe odbyła audyt w celu sporządzenia protokołu zaświadczającego o tym, że nasze wykonanie jest zgodne z najwyższymi standardami wykonania tras kablowych
Korzyści dla naszego Partnera
Wybranie naszej firmy na wykonawcę instalacji elektrycznych hali produkcyjnej i magazynowej, dostarczyła firmie Ecophon wymierne korzyści.
Elastyczność wobec partnera
poprzez zwiększenie zasobów na projekcie w kluczowych etapach
Szeroki zakres prac u jednego realizatora
Instalacje elektrotechniczne (w tym oświetleniowe) oraz teletechniczne wykonane przez Proster
Terminowość i szybka realizacja prac
biorąc pod uwagę szeroki zakres i wielkość projektu
Wysoka jakość wykonywanych robót
zapewniła bezpieczeństwo linii produkcyjnej i minimalizuje ryzyko awarii
Minimalizacja ryzyka przestojów działania instalacji
dzięki wysokiej jakości zastosowanych materiałów oraz wysokiej dbałości o jakość prac
Realizacja z rzetelnym partnerem
potwierdzonym certyfikatem systemu zarządzania jakości ISO 9001 (sprawdź w stopce)

Talk to an advisor
Send an inquiry or call +48 513 221 627. We will talk for a few minutes about the challenges you face.